Environmental Assessments

environmental consultants from Pario executing an environmental site assessment shadow

Environmental Site Assessment Services

Pario’s environmental site assessments involve intrusive and non-intrusive investigation and the documentation of potential or existing environmental contamination liabilities.

Assessments by our environmental consultants are often done for property and financial transactions as a part of due diligence, to confirm the environmental condition of the property and its structures.

These environmental site assessments typically address both the underlying land as well as physical conditions of the property and the neighbouring properties.

Environmental issues that are noted are identified through a review of historical data and the inspection of the site, subsurface and chemicals of concern. Upon completion of the assessment a management plan is developed which indicates the origin and cause of the current site conditions and ways to reduce and control the client’s risk.

As a complement to our site assessment service, Pario also offers the following environmental consulting services: 

  • Peer Review
  • Risk Analysis
  • Expert Witness
  • Regulatory Compliance and Communications
ISO 9001:2015

ISO 9001:2015-certified quality management system.

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